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/ Chip 2007 January, February, March & April / Chip-Cover-CD-2007-02.iso / Pakiet internetowy / Czytniki NEWS / 40Tude Dialog beta 38 / 4d2b38.exe / {app} / dialog.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TVIEWFRAME / TVIEWFRAME.txt
Text File  |  2005-02-07  |  4.3 KB  |  217 lines

  1. inherited ViewFrame: TViewFrame
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  11.     Caption = 'Header list options'
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  44.     Caption = 'Show short descriptions for newsgroups...'
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  52.     Caption = 'as hints in list of &subscribed groups'
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  60.     Caption = 'as hints in list of &all groups'
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  80.     Caption = 'as hints in list of &filtered groups'
  81.     Checked = True
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  84.   end
  85.   object HintCB3: TtntAutoSizeCheckBox
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  90.     Caption = 'in article list &header'
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  92.     State = cbChecked
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  94.   end
  95.   object GroupBox1: TTntGroupBox
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  100.     Caption = 'GUI font used for labels, checkboxes, etc.:'
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  102.     object MenuFontRB: TTntRadioButton
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  112.     object DesktopFontRB: TTntRadioButton
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  117.       Caption = '&Desktop font'
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  119.     end
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  125.       Caption = '&Use:'
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  127.     end
  128.     object DefaultControlFontName: TTntComboBox
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  130.       Top = 44
  131.       Width = 205
  132.       Height = 21
  133.       AutoComplete = False
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  135.       ItemHeight = 15
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  137.       OnChange = DefaultControlFontNameChange
  138.     end
  139.     object DefaultControlFontSize: TTntComboBox
  140.       Left = 396
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  149.       Items.WideStrings = (
  150.         '6'
  151.         '7'
  152.         '8'
  153.         '9'
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  160.         '16'
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  162.         '18'
  163.         '19'
  164.         '20'
  165.         '21'
  166.         '22'
  167.         '23'
  168.         '24'
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  170.         '26'
  171.         '27'
  172.         '28'
  173.         '36'
  174.         '48'
  175.         '72')
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  177.   end
  178.   object ShowTreeLinesCB: TtntAutoSizeCheckBox
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  191.     Caption = 'Show acron&yms'
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  211.     Value = 300.000000000000000000
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  213.     ShowHint = True
  214.     TabOrder = 8
  215.   end
  216. end